Work itself and job satisfaction pdf

Employees productivity is the heart and soul of any organization. Job satisfaction is the key ingridient that leads to recognition, income, promotion. Employee job satisfaction and engagement optimizing organizational culture for success a research report by the society for human resource management shrm. Results indicate that employees at the public health institution in the western cape. Job satisfaction in order to explain the great amount of attention that has been paid to job satisfaction in recent years, two aspects need to be considered. Based on hackman and oldhamsresults if teachers find their work meaningful or beware of results of work, their work efficiency would increase. The concept of job satisfaction has gained importance ever since the human relations approach has become popular. Choose your role wisely so that you gain respect and appreciation for your work. Overall job performance was constructed by taking the mean of the four respective items.

Moreover he interpreted that the nature of the job itself, the pay, the work environment, etc. The influence factors of job satisfaction and its relationship with. However the physical work environment creates the physical condition that can affect the health of employees. Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well and being rewarded for ones efforts. Relationship between teachers job satisfaction and their. Identification of variables affecting employee satisfaction.

First, within the company, there is the issue of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction reflects the extent to which people find gratification or fulfillment in their work. Job satisfaction is the favorableness or unfavorableness with which employees view their work. Consequently, a persons dissatisfaction with work could lead to dissatisfaction in other areas of life. While luthen 1998 suggested important parameters related to job satisfaction. Some questioners ask yes or no questions while others ask to rate satisfaction on 1 5 scale where 1 represents. Therefore, hierarchical conduct researchers are keen on accurately measuring job satisfaction and understanding its relationships for people at work. They included achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth. Moreover, the relationship between job satisfaction and work motivation was also explored with the help of responses collected from employees working in public educational institutions in rawalpindi area. Attitudes and beliefs may cause a person to work harder or work less. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The significance of this research lies in its contribution to the knowledge and understanding of determinants that could improve job satisfaction among public administration employees in developing economies.

Greenberg and baron 2008, for instance, viewed job satisfaction as a feeling that can produce a positive or negative effect toward ones roles and responsibilities at work and added that it is important to understand the concept of job satisfaction as. Job satisfaction is such a psychological attribute, whose contribution to the concept of employee performance is much more. Henceforth the term employee satisfaction will be used as it encompasses the notion of satisfaction with the job itself duties, working. Does worker wellbeing affect workplace performance.

In this age of specialization, motivating a worker and providing him with the much needed job satisfaction is extremely important to enable him to realize his true potential and worth to the organization. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The two theories used in redesigning of work sociotechnical systems theory of davis and trist 1974 and the motivation hygiene theory of herzberg 196668 address the interdependencies between the work itself and the organizational context that surrounds the work. Sep 10, 2019 according to the conference boards survey results announcement, the drop in job satisfaction between 1987 and 2009 covers all categories in the survey, from interest in work down 18. Taber and alliger found that when employees of an american educational institute rated how much they enjoyed individual tasks within their role, their scores were moderately correlated to satisfaction with the work itself, and associated although weakly with global job satisfaction. Supervision, the second facet, is measured in such ways as how supervisors provide. What is the importance of job satisfaction in a workplace. It is therefore important to explain the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Reilly1991 defines job satisfaction as the feeling that a. Burnout, workplace support, job satisfaction and life. Job satisfaction is the outcome that up to what amount an employees work is considered as important and meaningful. Gruneberg 1976 defined job satisfaction as the total cluster of emotional state an individual who had about his occupation or job. Job satisfaction is intangible and it is multivariable. Identification of variables affecting employee satisfaction and their impact on the organization.

A study on the impact of job satisfaction on job performance of employees working in automobile industry, punjab, india article pdf available february 2017 with. Job satisfaction or employee satisfaction is a measure of workers contentedness with their job, whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision. Also includes the perceived importance of the work and. As with motivation, it is affected by the environment. Making extra efforts to help clients or coworkers can make your work feel more meaningful and increase your job satisfaction. The concept of job satisfaction is multifaceted hence a number of theories are advanced to explain what it means and how the theories could be applied to enhance employee performance. Job satisfaction is a workers sense of achievement and sucess on the job. Close behind as a predictor is the degree to which the interests characteristic of the occupational group match the incumbents. The overall job satisfaction measure was then constructed from the mean of these.

The nature of the work itself includes various job components as they relate to the nature of the work experience degree of challenge, variety, autonomy, and control as well as the sheer quantity of tasks to be done and the time frame in which to do them. History of research on job satisfaction research on job satisfaction began in earnest in the early 1930s and was heavily in. Questionnaire as research instrument was used and floated. Relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Five new measures of job satisfaction work, pay, promotion, supervision. This gives firms a nonpecuniary tool for extracting effort and other positive behavior. It is generally perceived to be directly linked to productitivty as well as to personal wellbeing. Job satisfaction can be measured in cognitive evaluative, affective or emotional, and behavioral components. Five new measures of job satisfaction work, pay, promotion, supervision and coworkers were constructed by taking the mean of the respective items. Job satisfaction and motivation of teachers of public. Think about how whatever you do helps other people or contributes to society.

It is a result of appraisal that causes one to attain their job values or meet out their basic needs. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with ones work. Intrinsic satisfaction derived from the nature of the work itself, interest in the job, and personal growth and development. Pdf a study on the impact of job satisfaction on job. Job satisfaction, as the name suggests, is the feeling of contentment or a sense of accomplishment, which an employee derives from hisher job. This is an instrumental orientation to work and concerned with other things.

Some studies have examined antecedents of job satisfaction, specific dimensions of job satisfaction, and the relationship between job satisfaction and outcomes such as job performance or turnover. Determinants of job satisfaction mba knowledge base. Pdf the influence of employee job satisfaction on their. It is not the selfsatisfaction, happiness or selfcontentment but the satisfaction on. While you shouldnt ask your boss for praise, you can ask him to tell you informally how you are doing. Job satisfaction and job performance at the work place. When employees recalled a story where they felt exceptionally bad. Fair compensation and benefits when employees feel that they are being paid fairly. Job satisfaction therefore is a measurement of job and work expectations and not just an overall holistic attitudinal manifestation. Journal of managerial psychology job satisfaction and employee performance of lebanese banking staff. The aim is to define the determinants for job satisfaction and to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance and the influence of job satisfaction on job performance.

It is also the first paper to consider the importance of. Job satisfaction derives from intrinsic factors that are related to work itself or extrinsic factors which are related to instrumental values watson, 2012. Lockes theory on job satisfaction lockes composite theory of job satisfaction is the product of many other concepts which he has developed through study and research on related topics such as goal. A research report by the society for human resource management shrm founded in 1948, the society for human resource management shrm is the worlds largest hr membership organization devoted to human resource management. Lawler 1972 refers job satisfaction is the sum of job facet satisfaction across all facets of a job. It helps in determining, to what extent a person likes or dislikes hisher job. Job satisfaction also impacts a persons general well being for the simple reason that people spend a good part of the day at work. Work design and job satisfaction international journal of.

An overview of employee job satisfaction introduction human resource is considered to be the most valuable asset in any organisation. A study on the impact of job satisfaction on job performance of employees working in automobile industry, punjab, india article pdf available february 2017 with 29,211 reads how we measure. Job satisfaction shows that personal factors such as an. The stability of your job is a vital ingredient in your job satisfaction. Greenberg and baron 2008, for instance, viewed job satisfaction as a feeling that can produce a positive or negative effect toward ones roles and responsibilities at work and added that it is important to understand the concept of job. Chapter2 an overview of employee job satisfaction introduction. Mitchell and lassen, 1987, there is a general consensus that job satisfaction is more deliberately researched topic.

Ellickson and logsdon 2002 support this view by defining job satisfaction as the extent to which employees like their work. Herzbergs motivation hygiene theory applied to high school. A study of the relationship between job satisfaction. Perceiving the value of your work can increase your job satisfaction. Schermerhorn 1993 defines job satisfaction as an affective or emotional response towards various aspects of an employees work. The wider the gap, the more is the dissatisfaction. Any successful business knows much of its success is due to diligent workers with excellent productivity. The impact of employee job satisfaction toward organizational. Jobs that are rich in positive behavioral elements such as autonomy, task identity, task significance and feedback contribute to. It proved that job satisfaction dimensions pay, promotion, work itself, supervision and coworkers can contribute to 17.

Job satisfaction is closely linked to that individuals behaviour in the work place davis et al. It is the sumtotal of inherent abilities, aptitudes of the employed persons who comprise executives, supervisors and the rank and file employees. Job satisfaction is a pleasant feeling a person has when their expectations from work have been fulfilled. The jdi measures job satisfaction on five job facets, namely, pay, promotions, supervision, coworkers and the work itself. When you get praise, you feel better about yourself and your job security. Two very important aspects of the work itself that influence job satisfaction are variety and investigating the methods and instructions of working.

This worry in turn affects your sincerity and your mind starts wavering. A study of constructive factors in job satisfaction european. This is a personal orientation to work and concerned with oneself. While aziri 2011 mentioned that job satisfaction is under the influence of many. Nov 22, 2018 think about how whatever you do helps other people or contributes to society.

Herzbergs motivation hygiene theory applied to high. Aug 31, 2012 the concept of job satisfaction has gained importance ever since the human relations approach has become popular. A higher sense of job satisfaction might lead to increased teamwork, as you believe the company is moving forward and want to be part of the process. The topic of the thesis is job satisfaction and job performance at the work place. Reilly1991 defines job satisfaction as the feeling that a worker has about his job or a general attitude towards work or a job and it is influenced by the perception of ones job. Model, job satisfaction is based on five job characteristics, which are under three psychological states. Furthermore, workers perform best steininger, 1994 when this stimulation is internal and workrelated.

For decades, organizational researchers have been intrigued by employee satisfaction with work. Pdf the relationship between job satisfaction and job. Almost any job related factor can influence a persons level of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction and there are a number of factors that influence job satisfaction. Addition ally, job competency has a minimal effect on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is one of the basic attitudes that impact human conduct in the work place newstrom, and davis 1986. A number of factors influence job satisfaction of employees. Job satisfaction and promotions cleveland state university. Job satisfaction refers to a persons feeling of satisfaction on the job which act as a motivation to work. Job satisfaction is all about an individuals feelings about the work, work environment, pay, organization culture, job security and so on. If your job is not secure, you are bound to worry about your career.

For example, clark 2001 uses data from the british household panel survey bhps to show that satisfaction with total pay, job security, ability to work on own initiative, the actual work itself. International journal of scientific and research publications, volume 4, issue 1, january 2014 2. According to weiss 2002, job satisfaction is an attitude toward ones job resulting from the net sum of the individuals positive and negative emotions experienced at work. In short, it represents the difference between employees expectations and experience heshe derives from the job. Still conducting researches regarding teachers job satisfaction and its relation with other key factors such as students beliefs and motivation is essential. The study examined whether job satisfaction in terms of pay, promotion, supervision and work itself dimensions has an influence on job performance. Job satisfaction represents one of the most complex areas facing todays managers. A satisfied employee would have an emotional bond with the organization and takes pride in their membership, which paves way to keep up industrial integrity and a high morale. An overview of employee job satisfaction introduction. According to the conference boards survey results announcement, the drop in job satisfaction between 1987 and 2009 covers all categories in the survey, from interest in work down 18. Job satisfaction is best predicted by the degree to which the work reinforcers of the job match the incumbents values. The major ones can be summarized by recalling the dimensions o f job satisfaction and they are pay, the work itself, promotions, supervision, workgroup, and working.